9-1-1 Family - Your Family Too! - East Central Dispatch Center

Once Call...One Voice

9-1-1 Family - Your Family Too!

To quote Maya Angelou, "Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with the shades of deeper meaning."

We ARE the voices!

We are the voices your loved ones hear in their time of need. We choose to use our voice in this profession because we have the desire to help. Like you, we are all someone's brother, sister, son, daughter. We are going to care for you as if you are our own family member calling.

The men and women of the East Central Dispatch Center take great pride in serving our communities. We know many of our residents by name and strive to remind ourselves that many times, when someone calls 911, it is their first time making that type of phone call. It is this attention to detail that sets our agency apart from others. We will utilize all our resources in order to provide you with the best service possible. After all, this is not just our "job". It is our passion!

Our communities, are just that. They are OUR communities and are extensions of our Thin Gold Line Family!

One Family

Other Important Articles and Stories

PTSD911 - The Movie

Dispatchers can also suffer from post-traumatic stress.


APCO supports dispatcher reclassification.


NENA supports dispatcher reclassification.

Crucial Role

The crucial role dispatchers play for the fire service.